Image of Mark Dacey

Mark Dacey
SVP, Executive Creative Director
Create Advertising Group

LOS ANGELES, USA // Mark Dacey is an SVP and Executive Creative Director at Create Advertising Group. His career has been a 20 year ride with just two stops. The first began at the legendary Intralink Film where he started as driver (PA) in 2004. He walked in the doors with his fresh college resume, not even fully understanding what the company did, only to find out the most important interview question was "do you have a car that works?" Luckily, he exaggerated and said yes. In the months that followed, as he was delivering tapes and picking up groceries, he learned more and more about the business and decided what his path was going to be...editing. After working his way up and editing for a few years at Intralink, he made the move to Create Advertising. This began a fourteen year adventure where his career has expanded into other areas. In his time at Create, he's taken on the challenges of producing, creative directing and management. Through it all, he's stubbornly remained one of those "will never let go of the keyboard" types and continues to juggle editing with his other roles. But the juggling doesn't stop there, as he and his wife Margaret (also an editor) continually learn the challenges of giving love to a campaign AND to their daughter Phaedra at the same time.

He's worked on a large variety of audio visual campaigns, from theatrical blockbusters like The Amazing Spider-Man, Kingsman, Venom, Uncharted and Borderlands to acclaimed series like Succession, The White Lotus and The Last of Us. He's won awards, he's lost awards, he's won trailer finishes, he's lost trailer finishes, but what he cherishes most are the collaborations and friendships he's made along the way. (Actually that's not true, his Create bowling league trophies are his prized possessions and everyone knows it)